Gedicht des Monats |
My runny nose (Februar 2025)
Is it a bogey? No,
it's snot! |
I want to write some funny prose
about my cold and runny nose.
But first, excuse me please,
I really need to sneeze.
What can I do to make it stop?
The people at the tissue shop,
they couldn't halt the flow,
I left and took a blow.
On then I went to see the doc,
he also could not help ad hoc.
He just prescribed some pills
and later sent some bills.
The people at the pharmacy
explained the side effects to me
and sold me supplements,
which cost a lot of cents.
At home I made a cup of tea
(with ginger) that was sugar-free.
I slept all afternoon
and then felt better soon.
Well in the end my runny nose
did not result in funny prose.
Because the text at times
is earnest and it rhymes.
Pesto-Ode (Januar 2025)
Je mehr ich grüble desto
mehr glaube ich auf „Pesto”,
find ich wohl keinen Reim.
Doch hoff' ich insgeheim,
dass ich noch einen finde,
denn mit dem Zeug verbinde
ich Gutes, weil es schmeckt!
Nur hab ich's spät entdeckt.
Wenn ich auf Gläsern lese
„Il pesto genovese”,
dann denke ich: „Zu dumm,
ich hätt im Studium
die Paste kennen sollen.”
Doch wenig anspruchsvollen
Studenten reicht ein Hauch
Tomatenketchup auch.